NASA Space Center, Houston, Texas
Kim-Vy Tran
I have been a professional astronomer for 20+ years and am currently on the Associate Director for Internal Relations at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian. Prior to joining the Center for Astrophysics, I was a professor at the University of New South Wales, University of Zürich, and Texas A&M University. I received my PhD in Astronomy & Astrophysics from the University of California, Santa Cruz and I held postdoctoral fellowships at the Center for Astrophysics, Leiden Observatory, and ETH Zürich. I have given 200+ presentations at universities and conferences around the world.
I am passionate about promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion at all levels to recruit and retain world-class talent in the STEM fields. My work as an educator includes traditional classroom lectures as well as an expanding range of professional development workshops for scientists.